Residency Mentorship & Career Advising

Helping you achieve your goals

Support for Your Residency and Career

At Mount Auburn Hospital, you'll work with program leadership, current faculty and current residents who are committed to helping you navigate your residency and career path.

Academic Advising

Your academic advisor — an onsite faculty member will offer guidance and support throughout your residency. You’ll meet regularly with your advisor. They will review your progress, discuss your career goals and connect you with the resources you need. You’ll be assigned an advisor at the beginning of your residency, and you will regularly meet with your advisor to review your evaluations and your career development objectives and opportunities.

Mentor Support

During your residency, in addition to working with your assigned advisor, you’re encouraged to find a mentor. Your mentor (or mentors) can provide perspective, advice and guidance related to your research projects, career interests and other aspects of your development as a physician. Your academic advisor can help you find a mentor.

Evaluation and Feedback

During each rotation, you will receive feedback from your supervising attending. They will complete an evaluation form that assesses the competencies set by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME). You will review these evaluations throughout the year. Doing so will help you identify strengths and areas for professional growth.

Resident Development Sessions

Take advantage of our Resident Development Sessions to help you prepare for your fellowship or job search. Ask your advisor about:

  • Crafting Effective Fellowship Applications. These seminars help you develop your CV, personal statements and letters of intent.
  • Interview Skills. These seminars help you learn interviewing skills for jobs or fellowships.

Our Residency Programs

Discover why the residency programs at Mount Auburn Hospital are an exceptional training experience.