Patient & Family Advisory Council (PFAC) 

Share your opinions and shape your community’s hospital services

Partnering with You and Your Family      

The Patient Family Advisory Council (PFAC) is a team of patients, family members and hospital employees. This dedicated group works together to improve health care for all patients.

Our PFAC members give their input about issues affecting patient care throughout the hospital. This feedback fuels our efforts to provide high quality care.   

Learn More About Our Work 

The Mount Auburn Hospital PFAC consistently makes an impact on the community we serve. Some of the topic we address include: 

  • Improvement of food services.
  • Information about clinical and support services.
  • Management of patient complaints.
  • Patient information and education materials.

You can read the PFAC annual report to learn more about our activities.    

Become a PFAC Member   

Are you interested in learning more about joining the Patient Family Advisory Council? Please call us at 617-499-5100 or send us an email.