Cardiac Rehabilitation

Helping you recover from cardiac events

Cardiac Rehabilitation at Mount Auburn Hospital 

Strengthen your heart with cardiac rehab at Mount Auburn Hospital. Through education, counseling and supervised exercise, you’ll improve your overall health.

Do I Need Cardiac Rehab? 

Your doctor may recommend cardiac rehabilitation if you: 

  • Experience chest pain (stable angina). 
  • Get a heart or heart-lung transplant. 
  • Have been diagnosed with a heart attack in the past year. 
  • Have undergone angioplasty or stent to open a clogged artery. 
  • Receive coronary bypass surgery. 
  • Undergo heart valve surgery. 

What To Expect

Get details on what to expect if you attend cardiac rehabilitation at Mount Auburn Hospital.

What Happens During Rehabilitation?

Before you begin rehab, a nurse and exercise physiologist will review your:

  • Lifestyle habits. 
  • Medical history. 
  • Physical abilities and limitations.  

We’ll then recommend a personalized program that includes a variety of strategies. 

  • Individual and group educational sessions about topics such as: 
    • Eating nutritious foods. 
    • Maintaining a healthy weight. 
    • Managing cholesterol and high blood pressure. 
    • Quitting smoking and avoiding secondhand smoke. 
    • Using medications correctly. 
  • Supervised group exercise, such as:  
    • Cycling on a stationary bike. 
    • Lifting weights. 
    • Walking on a treadmill. 
  • Support that improves your mood and helps you navigate life transitions and relationship changes after a cardiac event.  


How Long Does Rehab Last?

To get the most benefit from your program, you can expect to participate in cardiac rehabilitation three times a week for three months.

Services & Specialties

Our heart and vascular providers work with these and other specialty areas to deliver heart care.

Make an Appointment

To speak with a member of our Cardiac Rehabilitation team, please give us a call.