Female patient receiving care

Travel Medicine Services

A consult with a travel medicine expert is designed to help travelers prepare for health needs in support of a safe and pleasant trip. Our travel medicine services at Mount Auburn focus on pre-planning and counseling about potential health and safety risks and ways to avoid them. This includes:

  • Personalized counseling about health and safety concerns in planned areas of travel
  • Guidance for emergency health care
  • Medication and information to help deal with illness while overseas
  • Assistance with special health-related travel needs, including counseling for pregnant women or individuals with allergies, chronic medical problems (e.g. cardiovascular disease, diabetes) or physical disabilities
  • Up-to-date preventive information on mountain sickness, jet lag and diving
  • Telephone consultations

For immunizations, vaccinations and post-travel consults, please consider seeking care at the Travel & Tropical Medicine Clinic at Lahey Hospital & Medical Center. Alternatively, you can check with your insurance carrier for other travel medicine providers in your network.